
A simple but useful chrome extension for web developers, helps you automaticly reload the css files in the browser after you modify them, without ruining your codes.

View the Project on GitHub allenm/css-auto-reload

css auto reload 介绍:

css auto reload 是一款 chrome 开发者插件。它可以在你编辑 css 的时候,自动在页面上重新载入最新的 css 文件, 以达到立即展现你刚刚做的改变的目的。特别适合在双屏环境下进行 web 前端开发,使你不必在编辑器和浏览器之间不停的切换, 提高工作效率。




先去 chrome 应用商店安装此 chrome 插件,地址:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/css-auto-reload/fiikhcfekfejbleebdkkjjgalkcgjoip/reviews


chrome 切换到你想监控 css 变化的标签页,然后点击插件图标,插件图标会变成彩色的



file:// 配置

需要打开chrome 插件页面,在地址栏输入:“chrome://chrome/extensions/”, 回车, 找到 css auto reload ,勾上“允许访问文件网址”. 另外此模式下,如果 css 使用的相对路径,则不支持 @import .

version 1.1.0 changelog:

Introduce the css auto reload :

Css auto reload is a chrome extension for web developers . It helps you automaticly reload the css files in the browser after you modify them, without ruining your codes. It's very suitable for the multi screens work environment.


Not Support yet:

How to use:

Go to the chrome webstore , and install this extension. The url is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/css-auto-reload/fiikhcfekfejbleebdkkjjgalkcgjoip/reviews

Then you can see a icon like this:

Open the page which you are developing, and click the extension's icon , then the icon become a colorful one:

The colorful icon means the extension is working. You can click this icon again , then the icon become gray , which means stoping working.

Operation video:

file:// config

You need open the chrome extension page in your browser, enter in your address bar: "chrome://chrome/extensions/", press enter. Find the css auto reload extension, then making sure the "Allow access to file urls" option is checked . By the way , In this mode , if your css url is a relative url , it can't support the @import .

version 1.1.0 changelog: